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Ridge Squire Tuxedo


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Ridge Squire Tuxedo(圖1)-速報App

At Ridge Squire formal wear in Rye Brook, New York, we feel you must look your absolute best on your wedding day. You owe it to your bride, your family and most of all, you owe it to yourself. You will try on your own complete wedding tuxedo long before your wedding day. There will be no catalogue guesswork or last minute disappointments from a delivery service.

Ridge Squire Tuxedo(圖2)-速報App

We will coordinate the out-of-state members of your wedding party and will be ready to fit late arrivals. To provide this, Ridge Squire has the largest inventory in the tri-state area and a master tailor on hand at all times. We offer from infant to size 70 in stock.

Ridge Squire Tuxedo(圖3)-速報App

At Ridge Squire we provide more than a tuxedo, we provide a commitment that you will receive the most courteous, knowledgeable service and the best tuxedo at the best price.

For over 40 years we have been setting standards that have placed us above the rest. We continue our pursuit to be the best by offering you: Riche Fabrics, Elegant Styles, Timeless Designs and Impeccable Tailoring.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad